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Appreciation For….

Yoni Vitality Programme…

I’ve had such deep shifts arising from the course. The most surprising thing is that as I have connected to my body, I gave myself the gift of listening to what I really wanted to say and starting caring for myself in a way I don’t think I have before. I have began to find my true voice. I have never felt more alive and full of hope and opportunity. And yes, I am orgasming regularly now and the sex I am having feels sacred and nourishing, but the course ended up being such much more than that. Thank you x  (Kelly)

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Juliet…I cannot express how much gratitude I have for the blessing that is your Yoni Vitality Course! I DID expect to work through some old stuff, beliefs and shame around sex, but what I didn’t expect is the door it opened for me to really and truly start to love myself. I can’t believe that such a gentle course can have such profound benefits. I have finished the course in the linear sense, but I think I will still go back over it for a long time. Your kind and compassionate approach and the community with the other women on the calls has been such a heartwarming experience. Laughing together and sharing the experience. If you are considering doing this course, just do it!  (Anna)

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I’m really feeling the effect of the programme. My skin looks amazing as a by-product. It feels really plump and full.. All good – oh yes and I gushed using the wand the other night.. I wasn’t sure what was going on..! Was great.. I feel I’ve come a long way already.. but so much juicy stuff to learn and explore.. I LOVE the programme. So grateful xx  (Kelly)

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I found that i really needed to slow down and get to know myself more – being selfish and having more me time is better for everyone around me. I suffer from numbness and even though I’ve still got a long way to go, I have found I was able to release easier rather than tighten up during sex and have been able to squirt a few times too. Am also loving my yoni eggs. Overall, I highly recommend the Yoni Vitality programme. It’s full of many interesting tools to help us as women to improve the state of our bodies, minds and spirits.   (Melissa)

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This journey is the first phase in the development of my relationship with my femininity. This course allowed me to create a space for myself. I’m in the process of grieving. I’m in a process of healing and discovery. Every moment is precious and important. The monthly conversations have been privileged moments to connect with Juliet and the other participants. These discussions were very rewarding, comforting and encouraging. My journey has just begun, and I’m eager to continue. Thank you Juliet for awakening me to those inner dimensions that I hadn’t explored before.   (MARIE)

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I am so happy to have taken this program. It has helped opened my eyes, heart and yoni to the amazing person I am and what are amazing bodies can actually do. It’s gotten me so much more in touch with myself, more confident in my sexuality and more aware the feminine parts that were never taught to me ever. Thank you Juliet for being brave in pioneering this!   (MA)

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I enjoyed all of the modules, the content was so interesting but well presented. I didn’t think I would enjoy the online sessions but the conversations were wonderful.  (HN)

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“I found the Yoni Vitality Programme when I had already done a lot of work on tapping into my sexuality. It was a nice addition to what I had already learned and gave many tools and practices to draw from. I like that it is a holistic approach to female sexuality.”  (Katherine)

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Yoni Vitality was a wonderfully liberating experience. I learnt so much about myself and my body and it really gave me the courage to think about and explore my femininity in a different way. It was a safe and nurturing space to ask questions and learn new things. I am so pleased to have experienced this and it has given me tools for conversations with my daughter too. Juliet is really knowledgeable, open and gentle and completely non-judgemental.  (HN)

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I loved all the modules. My whole world opened up. My favourite part was connecting on the monthly zoom calls.  (Sophia)

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The Yoni Vitality Programme is the best programme ever! It’s like you don’t even know what you did not know. This programme takes you on a journey to reclaim your sexuality as a woman. The lies we have been sold, the trauma we have experienced all get to be revealed and there are so many beautiful ways that you learn to live in the truth of who you are. With each module and each zoom call I was blown away by how much I was discovering and the freedom I was reclaiming and how I was learning to be in my body. Juliet is an experienced guide to take you on this journey. She is kind, wise, knowledgeable and so compassionate as we deal with this often tender and sensitive aspect of our lives. I would recommend that every woman does this programme.  (Sophia)

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I absolutely loved this programme, and, as I have said before, I think that every woman should do this.  The main thing that I benefited from was having a structured programme within which to focus on my yoni and my sexual health.  I also particularly benefited from the vision aspects, the de-armouring and the information about the g-spot, cervix and ovaries.   (Jenny)

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Signing up to the Yoni Vitality course was one of the best things that I have done for myself in my life.  I feel that I have learnt so much, and now I have so many wonderful materials and ideas to go away and explore further after the course.   It has served as an excellent education and foundation for my sexual health and vitality.   Juliet also held space for all of the participants so beautifully, meaning that I felt safe to explore any issue with her, and to share honestly – which is vital for this type of work.  I would recommend this course to everybody, and look forward to doing other courses with Juliet in the future.   (Jenny)

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As someone who works in the field of trauma healing, I am very aware of how important it is to go slowly and build a good, strong foundation that can be deeply healing when doing this kind of work. Juliet’s Yoni Vitality programme does this beautifully, starting slowly and gently, laying the groundwork for doing the deep healing work later on.  (Megan)

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This course has been a beautiful guiding foundation on my journey of deepening connection with myself. I love that we can move at our own pace and revisit sections. I’ve especially enjoyed the breast massage techniques, de-armouring insights and the tangible results that come with each practical exercise.  (Montana)

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The Yoni Vitality programme has an in depth approach – the different teachings and practises Juliet offers in the program are a wealth of knowledge. In a gentle way they have guided me in the process of feeling more connected to my body, releasing old baggage and blocks and making room for new energy and spark. Juliet is very committed and supportive, giving personal advice when needed. I love the programme and continue to implement the practices in my daily life. So grateful for Juliet’s teachings!  (Anne)

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Hope you are all enjoying the course as much as I am. WOW, so much healing and revealing. Today I did some de-armouring and it was deep, deep work. I loved the meditation – it was so powerful. The pace and flow of this work brings up much in the subtlest of ways. Juliet, your work is amazing, thank you!  (Annette)

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I found the Yoni Vitality Programme when I had already done a lot of work on tapping into my sexuality. It was a nice addition to what I had already learned and gave many tools and practices to draw from. I like that it is a holistic approach to female sexuality.  (Katherine)

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Amrita Journey…

I joined the course without any set expectations, I was just searching for a way of finding more self love and a way to release and let go of past negative emotions and/or experiences trapped/stored in my womb.  I was only curious about squirting and I have gained so much more!  I had my first squirting experience and I discovered a profound way of appreciating my female body in a deeper and more meaningful way.   (ZM)

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Amrita Journey was just so eye opening.It was liberating to know and discover that I have the ability to in charge of my own conscious sexuality.  It was a a joy to celebrate and admire my female anatomy.  I gained a lot of confidence in myself through confronting and lovingly letting go and accepting myself and vagina completely.  Its not easy to fully describe what I have gained from the course but I know I have laid an excellent foundation for a healthier and more satisfying sex life.This course was a great investment.  (ZM)

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I really thought I wasn’t able to squirt. After doing this course with Juliet I learned that we can ALL squirt.  The depth of knowledge that Juliet has, and her ability to gently hold you as you work through the course, was the most valuable part for me.  No question was too silly or insignificant. I felt so seen & supported by her.  She gave me so much one on one time, and was always there to answer my questions. She has deep knowledge about so many areas & always shared this knowledge freely.  I am now a squirting women thanks to her 🙂  It has helped deepen my relationship with my partner, and to deepen me, as a woman. (LD)

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The Amrita Journey’s Zoom calls played an important part in shedding the guilt and shame around talking about these topics so openly and freely, which was amazing.  Juliet is insightful, compassionate and very very well informed.  She speaks from a place of sincerity, wisdom and with a lightness that can only be attained by having gone through an in-depth journey herself.  Thank you for being an inspiration and leader.  (Angeline)

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Holistic Sexual Wellness Facilitator Training…

Wow the course surpassed my expectations! It was such a full 15-week journey filled with precious (and lost) feminine knowledge & wisdom. I love how thorough and well informed the yoni steaming and yoni eggs/wands protocols were. Juliet’s expertise and long time personal experience is clearly reflected in this course.  Upon completion, I feel confident to start working with clients and I’m excited to keep exploring on my own sexual wellness journey. Thank you Juliet for sharing this powerful medicine with the world!   (Laetitia)

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The Holistic Sexual Wellness Facilitator training course has been an absolute game-changer for me. It not only provided a structured approach but also enhanced my understanding of how to elevate my practice and better serve my clients. Beyond professional growth, it became a transformative journey of self-discovery.   The support offered throughout was exceptional, guiding me to create a personalized herb mix utilizing locally available ingredients—a truly magical experience.   Overall, this course has been mind-blowing, enriching both my professional skills and personal growth in ways I never imagined.   (Nadine)

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I would like to thank you for this opportunity. I have learned a lot . I came into this course with zero information, thinking yoni steaming herbs are used on a “one size fits all” basis. Now I know everyone is different and that you can match a blend that is suitable for each particular client.  The course content was informative, I really got a lot out of it and I am confident now to start my spa!  God bless you for the beautiful work you are doing.  (Thobile)

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I have recently completed the Women’s Holistic Sexual Wellness Facilitator training with Juliet and am blown away by the benefits and treatment possibilities that yoni steaming has to offer. I’d steamed intuitively for years but lacked an understanding of the power and potency of varying herbal blends and the correct protocols to use for different people. I absolutely LOVE raving about practitioners I’ve found that are great at what they do and Juliet is one of those people. Her breadth of knowledge and wisdom born of many years of practising is evident from the moment you join the course. I was pleasantly surprised at the magnitude of content available as well as by Juliet’s genuine care and authenticity. I truly felt (AND STILL FEEL) held and supported by Juliet and know that I can reach out to her at any time if I’m not sure about something within my new steaming practice.   (Vanessa Beauchamp – Let’s Get Steamy)

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This course went over and above my expectations.  Juliet has profound knowledge on women’s health regarding sexual wellness. She comes from a heart-centred space with a passion and vision to make sure this work reaches every woman! She provides a space that feels safe to share literally anything! Working with Juliet has been a privilege and I feel more than equipped to deal with different scenarios that may occur as she equips you with the information but more importantly the understanding of what could occur. This work has had an impact on my personal journey and has been the missing link to weaving my work together. I am grateful to have been guided by such an authentic goddess who truly embodies the power of the feminine.  (Mary-Ann Illing, Womb Space & Embodiment Mentor)

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I found the course to be a thorough and comprehensive dive into ways we can support women’s sexual health. It covers many ways we can approach menstrual and fertility issues in a holistic way, while increasing connection and care for our own bodies in the process. I appreciated Juliet’s personal support during the course as well – knowing I could ask any questions at any time. Thank you so much for putting such a wealth of information together in a way that I found to be clear and concise.  (Kate)

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The course material was exceptionally clear and straightforward for me to comprehend. I found immense value in rewatching the videos, and I even took the initiative to print the PDFs, allowing me to revisit and absorb the content more comfortably. This multi-dimensional approach to accessing the material greatly enhanced my learning experience and made the course content more accessible and enjoyable.

The thoroughness and clarity across all sections of the training were impressive. I was so captivated by the course that I’ve become an affiliate and enthusiastically promote it to my clients.  (Nadine)

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Breast Love 101…

This course is eye-opening – we do not practice enough self-love towards our breasts. It saddens me that so many women are disappointed with their breasts and either ignore them/cover them up or feel the need to alter them surgically. So please sign up and do this course – it is truly life-changing.  (Linda Bennett – Trace Therapy)

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I am in love with this course!! It is for all of us women to connect with our beautiful bodies and regain balance and harmony within. This course is beautifully-presented and easy to use and is packed with brilliant information for self-nurturing and connecting us to a phenomenal relationship with our breasts.  (Rosemarie Langley-Moodley – Twin Flame Healing 1111)

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